Open Information Policy



We aim for this website to be as open and transparent as possible. This means that we will provide timely updates for all of our activities, and try to make them as clear and accurate as we can. We will also report back with news and updates on our activities to any supporters who choose to join our email list.


Zero Overheads

We are a small organisation, and we aim to keep our overheads and running costs to zero, if at all possible - we ourselves are all volunteers.

We have no offices to pay for, and the trustees, Malcolm Coulthard, Unni Wariyar, and Nigel Speight, will personally pay for overheads such as website-online-maintenance fees themselves.

The website has kindly been developed and is being generously kept updated free-of-charge by Twentyseven design in Hexham (

The legal advice for setting up the charity Child Health Africa was generously provided free-of-charge by Barry Speker OBE of Sintons LLP, Newcastle.

Since acquiring our Registered Charity Number (1175252) we are able to claim Gift Aid on donations.


Projects and Timescales

All the donations we receive will be spent upon a project described on the website. If we have more than one project underway, we cannot guarantee precisely which one of these your donation will be directed to, or even if it will be used for a future one.

We received our first donation in June 2017, and we will publish our accounts annually.

Privacy policy

Our supporters are important to us, and we are committed to keeping your data safe. If you ask us to update you on the charity and progress with our work, we will just collect your name and email address so that we can contact you.

If you donate via the Virgin Money page (or previously via the MyDonate page) which allows us to reclaim Gift Aid from the Government, they will also collect other details to allow them to facilitate this financial transaction. They do provide us with those details, and we keep them securely as part of our responsibilities to the Charity Commission, but we do not and will not use them for any other purposes, nor share them with anybody else.